Synopsis Aisha, a 13-year-old girl, lives in 11th century Al-Andalus, where fireworks displays are the most popular entertainment and the one big passion of young Aisha, who dreams of becoming a professional rocketeer one day. Someday, the adventurous alchemist Txawir comes to town, using Aisha for...

Synopsis Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug worlds. 3D ANIMATED...

3D TV SHOW  produced by  3Doubles Producciones 3d models and rigs supervisor : Fulvio Diana...

3D ANIMATED FEATURE FILM  produced by  The Thinklab, directed by Julio Soto Gurpide. 3d models and rigs supervisor : Fulvio Diana...

web contents and digital garment contents produced by  Chimera Farm for Diesel and Maryan Mehlhorne 3d artist : Fulvio Diana (modelling, texturig, rig, animation and rendering)...

documentary and animation, in a exclusive interview with the senator and journalist Sergio Zavoli. The story of his amazing friendship with Federico Fellini. The city of Rimini as a perfect stage for two dreamers. ...

3D TV SHOW  produced by  Brown Bag Films 3d models and rigs supervisor : Fulvio Diana...

3D TV SHOW  produced by  Brown Bag FIlms for Disney Channel 3d rigs artist : Fulvio Diana...

3D TV SHOW  produced by  Brown Bag FIlms for Disney Channel 3d rigs artist : Fulvio Diana...